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16 Aug, 2024
Posted by fahad
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Hurricane Preparation: How a Handyman Can Help Secure Your Home

Hurricanes are powerful natural disasters that can cause significant damage to homes and properties. Preparing your house for an approaching storm is essential to protect your family and minimize potential damage. While there are many steps you can take on your own, hiring a handyman can be a smart move to ensure your home is fully prepared. Here’s how a handyman can assist in hurricane preparation.storm_prep_getty


  1. Inspecting and Reinforcing Doors and Windows

One of the most vulnerable parts of your home during a hurricane is the doors and windows. A handyman can inspect all entry points to ensure they are in good condition and properly sealed. They can also install storm shutters or reinforce existing ones to provide extra protection against strong winds and flying debris. If necessary, your handyman can also replace weak or damaged windows with impact-resistant glass.


  1. Securing Loose Outdoor Items

Loose items around your property can become dangerous projectiles during a hurricane. A handyman can help secure or store outdoor furniture, grills, and other items that might be blown around by strong winds. They can also anchor any structures, such as sheds or gazebos, to prevent them from being lifted or damaged during the storm.


  1. Clearing Gutters and Drains

Proper drainage is crucial during a hurricane to prevent water from pooling around your home and causing floods. A handyman can clear your gutters and downspouts of debris to ensure they are functioning correctly. They can also check for any signs of damage or leaks and make necessary repairs to keep water flowing away from your home.


  1. Trimming Trees and Removing Dead Branches

Overgrown trees and dead branches pose a significant risk during a hurricane. High winds can easily break branches and send them crashing into your home, causing severe damage. A handyman can trim trees and remove any dead or weak branches that could pose a threat. They can also assess the health of your trees and recommend further action if necessary.


  1. Installing or Checking Your Backup Power System

Power outages are common during hurricanes, and having a backup power system, such as a generator, is essential. A handyman can help install a generator if you don’t already have one or check your existing system to ensure it’s in working order. They can also ensure that your generator is properly connected to your home’s electrical system and ready to provide power when needed.


  1. Reinforcing Your Roof and Exterior Walls

The roof and exterior walls of your home bear the brunt of a hurricane’s force. A handyman can inspect your roof for loose shingles or tiles and make necessary repairs. They can also reinforce your roof with hurricane straps or clips, which help secure the roof to the walls of your home. Additionally, they can inspect and repair any cracks or weaknesses in your exterior walls to ensure your home is as storm-resistant as possible.


  1. Checking and Securing Your Garage Door

Garage doors are often overlooked during hurricane preparation, but they can be a weak point in your home’s defenses. A handyman can inspect your garage door to ensure it is properly secured and can withstand high winds. They may recommend installing a reinforcement kit if your garage door is not up to hurricane standards.


  1. Reviewing Emergency Supplies and Kits

Finally, a handyman can help you review and organize your emergency supplies and kits. They can ensure you have essential items like flashlights, batteries, first-aid supplies, and non-perishable food. They can also assist in setting up a safe room or space within your home where your family can stay during the storm.



Hurricane preparation is crucial for protecting your home and family from the potentially devastating effects of a storm. While there are many steps you can take on your own, enlisting the help of a skilled handyman can ensure that your home is thoroughly prepared and fortified. Whether it’s securing doors and windows, trimming trees, or reinforcing your roof, a handyman can provide the expertise and assistance you need to weather the storm safely. Don’t wait until the last minute—start your hurricane preparation today!

Call New Orleans Handyman at 504-358-0399 or visit We want to be your Handyman!

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