Hanging Ceiling Fans and TV’s

Ceiling Fan Installation Service: A Cold Spin-Wave for Summer

The sixth wall of your room (ceiling), too, needs a touch of elegance and functionality just like the other five walls do! The roof is the single most expansive surface of your space that holds a lot! While lying on the floor or bed, mostly you look at the top. You try to get muse in the white world of your ceiling and start imagining, right? Apparently, it should be creative to give your imagination wings as your ceiling fan has! Wait, what, you haven’t installed a fan yet? Ok, let’s not make a fuss about this, proceeding in a straight course:

Expert Ceiling Fan Installation

Be it your low hanging ceiling fan or newly purchased TV

New Orleans Handyman will help you install!

We offer ceiling fan and light fixture installation services. Wether it is a replacement or new hang we have you covered. Our service team is qualified in:

Attentiveness: When you assign something to “New Orleans Handyman,” that means no hurry, no worry; we handle everything with patience!

Diligence: Our experts are attentive and work unhurried while installing TV sets. They are committed to their work and believe in delicacy while handling the parts.

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